Hey there!

Life is like a combination lock; 

your job is to find the right numbers, 

in the right order, 

so you can have anything you want. – Brian Tracy

In the above quote, two of the numbers could be – Hard work and persistence. If you persist enough and work hard for your dreams, nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams. Universe has its own way to support and conspire for you. It definitely sends the right learning at the appropriate time.

The exhaustion of hard work is sweeter than anything else. The contentment which comes after a time period of relentless efforts is something like a runner’s high. And it’s the hormone endorphin which makes us feel good and pushes us to continue on the path. 

In the short letter today, I wish that you find all the right numbers in the right order to unlock life’s lock so that you can achieve anything you want. 

I wish the best of life to you with unforgettable moments.

Copyright @Jogi