My dear friend,

Some days are good, some days are bad. On some days, we are superhuman; while on some days, we want to hide from the world. Isn’t it? We all go through these cycles of highs and lows all life. Every human being goes through the same life series, everyone has his own share of challenges. I always say that until we breathe, we will always have challenges so sooner we accept this fact the better it is.

When you are pursuing significant aspirations and dreams, the hurdles seem unending. Each new day presents a fresh set of obstacles to overcome, and it can be draining. I have been running ETechDreams for more than 5 years and Sanskriti initiative for more than 15 years and let me tell you, it’s never easy. It’s tough! There have been times when I felt like giving up, not once or twice but multiple times. There were/are times when I am just standing all alone to take a next call, to decide the next step. And definitely sometimes I feel like giving up because of one or the other reason. But you know my friend, giving up is easy. The true challenge lies in staying on the path and persisting – it is within this journey that we discover profound rewards for our inner being.

In my latest book, Art of Starting up – I interacted with close to 100 odd entrepreneurs and asked them what keeps them going? What’s their biggest support? And what did they do when it felt like giving up. Summarizing it all below for you:

  • Acknowledge Your Feelings – The first step is to accept what you are feeling. Acceptance helps you to stay sane and to stay grounded. And understand that it’s normal to feel like this. At the end of the day, you are a human being with your own limitations.
  • Find Your Rejuvenating Pursuit- Discover what rejuvenates you and helps you reconnect with yourself. Whether it’s meditation, running, walking, reading, swimming, yoga, or merely getting a good night’s rest – give yourself the gift of downtime and self-pampering. Before you can extend love and care to others, remember that you are deserving of your own affection and attention.
  • Cultivate a Support System – This has become so important in the present time when everyone is living a fast paced life. Having a dependable support system is of utmost importance. Identify those friends or family members whom you can lean on during trying times. Reach out to them, share what you are going through, and engage in talking therapy with someone you trust and find relevant
  • Remember Impermanence ( Anitya) – Please understand that it’s temporary. You have been through tough situations in life and came out as a winner. So don’t worry and just go through it with a calm and composed mind. You and I know that It will pass too.
  • Rational Decision-Making – This may sound a bit different but think logically whenever you are in a bit better senses. This is because sometimes you might be affected by some events or stuck up to take the next decision. Based on your present knowledge, skills and experience as of today, take up the best step forward.
  • Lastly, always remind yourself that challenges are an integral part of the process. Reconnect with your dreams and grand vision; let them be a wellspring of inspiration. Remember, we are all navigating the same boat called life, and challenges will invariably be present. So, my friend, stay steadfast and resolute in your journey.

As your task for the week, I encourage you to explore activities that re-energize your spirit and compile a list of people who form your support system. The next time you feel low, turn to these rejuvenating practices and the people who care about you, and allow yourself to bounce back.

And of course, remember that I am always a part of your support system. Whenever you need me, I am here.


Your friend for life,

Copyright @Jogi ( content and images )

P.S – Do you know about my latest Amazon #1 Bestseller book Art of Starting up? Here is a book which can help you in starting up a new journey of life Get your copy today.

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Uma Arora

Its so very important to go on even when things are not seemingly going your way because if they are then you have reached the destination! Enjoy the journey and accept the “not so good” as a learning lesson.
All your points are so apt and eye opening. Very inspiring write up. Looking forward to receive more such letters 🙂