Hey there!

Success ! A word which most of us are fascinated about. Let’s talk about success today. What do you think about success, what is it? Is it having a lot of money or is it having that dream home or having a vacation around the world? The definition differs from person to person. And this definition is subject to change as every moment, everything is changing – circumstances, human behavior, you and I – all the universe is constantly changing.

What seems to be success for you today might change after a few years. Couple of years ago, you were a different person and was striving for being successful in some different context of life. Today you are a different person and after a few years, you will be a different person. So being successful differs from time to time.

How about instead of a noun, we consider success as a verb. How about a person who is crystal clear about his goals and dreams and consciously moving in the direction of those goals – and this action happening moment to moment – shouldn’t we call it success? What do you say?

It’s all in the journey, and the journey must be enjoyable. And if you are not enjoying your journey to be successful then there must be some piece missing in your Jigsaw Puzzle. Yes, there can be hardships and challenges for sure. But that’s the most interesting part – you want to pursue your goal even with the hardships and challenges. That makes all the difference.

For my upcoming book, Art of Staring up, I interviewed successful entrepreneurs and almost all of them were happy about the journeys they had and they even mentioned that consciously pursuing the pursuit gave meaning to their journey of being successful.

So today, my friend, define success for you – get clarity from within, set your goals in place and be on your path. And if you are consciously acting on your dreams and vision, you are successful in some way for sure.


Wishing you lifetime success!


Your friend for life,


Copyright @Jogi

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One of the best readings. ….excellent because at least your writing makes one think first.

Asha bamrara

Nice passage to everyone and motivation to be continue towards goal.