Hey there!

You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated – Maya Angelou.

We plan, we take action, we fail, we dust off and we move on after learning lessons. It happens quite often in life. Since the day we came on earth, we have lived in this cycle of failures and victories. There are more failures than victories and if we are consistent with right effort and guidance any failure can be changed into victory.

As time passes by in life, we slowly realize our true nature – it includes everything from the type of food we like to eat to the kind people we want to spend time with. And this journey of self exploration and knowing is ever going, I believe that we will continue learning and exploring until the time we will keep breathing.

There comes a time at a certain age when we feel that we know ourselves and we know our pursuits.Blessed are those souls who find some callings in life and follow it with true heart. Billions of us are just taking birth, eating, reproducing and going from the planet earth. And in this journey of following your own pursuits, when you know what kind of person you are and how you want to lead life – shouldn’t you start taking care of every single second and every action of life?

We build our own certain persona as an individual. How about setting up a value system for yourself as code of honour to lead life in your own way? For example, one of the code of honours of my life is – keeping my mental and physical health as topmost priority. Another example can be – I won’t waste a single moment on actions which are not taking me to my dreams. Do you have any such value system in place as of now? If not, then how about setting up a code of honour mentioning minimum 3 things for your life. It might not come perfect in the first go but let’s give it a try.

New beginnings are always magical. The main point here is to get a bit more clarity about your own life to set some standards to adhere to. So let’s start on this new journey today to set code of honour for our own life.

I wish you the best.


Your friend for life,


Copyright @Jogi ( content and images)

P.S – Did you check my latest book which became Amazon #1 hot new release. This book is for everyone who has a dream. You can check the book here – https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0C53DBFLG

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