My dear friend,
The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and starting on the first one – Mark Twain
And once you start then you must complete the task. Most of the time in life, our tasks list is too big, there is too much to do in a short span of time of 24 hrs a day. We have so many unfinished tasks in our list. Isn’t it?
Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging of an unfinished task – William James.
So true! That unfinished task keeps hanging at the back of our mind and it doesn’t feel good at all. And in all this chaos, we definitely continue living day by day and finish some of the tasks. Why are some tasks done and some remain unfinished? There can be many reasons for it – not considering the unfinished task a priority, not having the same zeal which we had when we started and many more similar reasons.
In the last couple of weeks, I was working on my book Art of Starting up. The book was completed and just the publishing part was pending. Meanwhile, I got the idea and plot for my next book. I was so excited that I even designed a cover for this next book. But the work of Art of Starting up was not completed – it was not launched and nobody could read it until now. Even before completing it, I was starting a newer one.
What did I do? I took a step back, did whatever I needed to do for Art of Starting up and launched its ebook Kindle version on Amazon. I had to work for a couple of weeks regularly on it by giving it priority and the results were amazing. Art of Starting up is now a Bestseller on Amazon. I have also finished the paperback work from my end and it will also be available soon on Amazon.
And this feeling of completing a task – it’s so amazing, it takes you to the next level of your own self with eternal joy. It personifies excellence in you. You must have felt it at some point of time in life for sure, right?
So today’s task for you – please identify your unfinished tasks which are hanging on for long in your list; which you want to do but not completing. Once you have that list with you, prioritize the unfinished tasks, break it into small manageable achievable tasks and work on it on a daily basis to complete.
I wish and pray for you that you never leave any task unfinished.
Your friend for life,
Copyright @Jogi
P.S – Here is Amazon #1 Bestseller Art of Starting up – It’s a must read for every dreamer.
Thanks for the valuable inputs for focus on our priorities over any unfinished work or task
You’re welcome, Sandeep!
I need to learn this lesson of completing the task I start!
Yes yes yes, please! Shweta, all the best!