Hey there!


There are these lines of wisdom shared by Jack Kornfield – The trouble is, you think you have time. I read it years ago but understood and experienced these words in the past few years. I have seen three and half decades of life. First 2 decades, I didn’t even realize what was going on. Just flew with the flow of life with the defined spectrum of society. But I have always been a seeker, a seeker of knowledge, exploration and getting more out of my existence. By the end of my twenties, I learnt and realized a lot more about my own self and life.


I started taking paths which I really want to pursue e.g. writing, making a difference, traveling, and other initiatives and ventures. Trust me for the fact that it’s not easy to follow your heart and dreams. Especially when society has been built to mold us in a particular way. It has never been easy and it won’t ever be easy. Now when it comes to following your dreams and heart, there is a strong message going around in the world today – you shouldn’t be in a job and if you are in a job then you are working for someone else’s dream. I have been through this path and if you are in a job which you love and working towards a vision which aligns with your future along with some great people. You’re in the right place, doing the right thing.

I also want to share another great learning today in this context. When we say follow your dream, we mostly talk about and follow only one thing which we are most passionate about. And there is nothing wrong about it. But as I crossed my thirties, I learnt about more dimensions of life and trust me that it’s the holistic life which completes us. It’s never just one aspect of life. We have to take care of our career,health, relationship, spirituality, recreation and a lot more. Until and unless, we take care and plan our life in all areas; we will definitely feel incomplete.


Today I want you to learn and understand this – life is a full circle when we take care of all important aspects of life and plan and pursue every aspect fully by understanding, learning and growing in every aspect. There are many other dimensions to it but know that it won’t be just one thing which will give you a life of contentment and satisfaction. How about having lots of money but no good health and meaningful relationships? You won’t be happy, right ? Sooner we learn it, better it is as we think that we have infinite time but my friend, we all are here with limited time and before we will realize, it will be gone.


So from today onwards, identify what all you want to pursue, and plan your dream life. Life is not this OR that game, life is this AND that game. It’s an AND not an OR; and it’s possible. You can have whatever you want.  Your job is to identify, plan, learn, grow and achieve.


Wishing you a life full of dreams with the courage to achieve all of them!


To your holistic and dream life,


Copyright @Jogi