My dear friend,

Life is an unstoppable journey, isn’t it? We grow to a newer self every passing day. Last few days, I was not well. Being just to myself with some healing herbs and medicines along with a bit of helplessness which usually engulf us when we are sick – I got this thought in mind – How the world would be impacted if I am not there tomorrow? Now first of all, don’t take it negatively at all 🙂 If you know me for a while, you should know that I am a positive spirited human being who lives every moment of life.

But honestly, this was the time of reflection. The toughest moments of life teach us the most valuable lessons. If you are not well, your close friends and family will definitely take care of you. But what’s more than that? What if you are not there tomorrow? We all know how uncertain life is! Your work or profession will surely be disturbed if you are not there tomorrow depending on what work or profession or job you are in.

But the most important question is – What’s the legacy you will leave? And by legacy, I don’t mean any hi-fi stuff. In simplest words – I mean that how many people are there whose life you have touched positively? We are all going to leave the planet some day, but our words and deeds stay. Even though we will not be here in physical form, surely we will be here in some mystic ways. Remember all your closed ones who are not with you, but don’t you feel that they are always with you? I always feel it whenever I think of my father who has left me physically but there is no day which goes without remembering him in some way.

Reflecting more on this, I realized that life is too short to be spent in pursuits that don’t contribute positively to the lives of people around us. It’s not about the number of followers we have on social media; it’s about the genuine connections we forge, the love we spread, and the positive influence we leave behind. We must plan in years but live every single day – one day fully at a time!

Another very strong point after reflection – Don’t take me wrong here but death has always been the greatest teacher for me. How about planning and looking at our life journey backwards from the last day – there will be a day when you won’t be here, right? And what do you want – who will cry when you will die? Or how should people celebrate your life? What do you want your life to be remembered for? Please ask yourself these questions as there will be some life transforming answers.

My friend, I want you to live a life which you truly love wherein you pursue and achieve everything which you want to. I wish that you create ripples of kindness, compassion and positivity for a better world which will stay forever in the world even though you will not be here physically some day.

And yes, If I can be your support in any way, I am always here for you.


Your friend for life,

Letter Podcast ( Listen here in my voice) –

Copyright @Jogi ( content and images )

P.S – It all starts from a thought, isn’t it? Please write in the comments – what kind of legacy do you want to leave? What do you want to be remembered for?

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