My dear friend,

We all have a heart full of dreams, aspirations and limitless ambitions. Isn’t it? But achieving all those dreams is never easy. The universe has certain rules for dreamers – I always say that the universe tests every dreamer.

No human is there who feels always inspired and motivated, we all have our down time as well. What to do when we are not inspired to move ahead towards our dreams? When we feel that there is so much happening around and no sense in moving forward? We feel overwhelmed and a bit lost with doubts about our dreams. Many times, we feel that the world is not very supportive and we want to just give up.

In such moments, how about we just accept it first, accept that we are at some low moment of life. And it’s temporary. Please understand that it’s rest time. More than that, we must continue moving one small step at a time. Give yourself a break but continue some movements. Movement even in the form of doing your household chores help, engage in your pursuits like cooking, gardening, reading or simply doing nothing.

For me, continuous movement always helps. I keep doing small activities, very small movements. Whether it’s having a walk around in nature, or reading or decluttering my work space or just contemplating and doing reflection. But I keep myself active and moving. We human beings are gifted with two legs and we are meant to move. So take a break whenever you feel down, do small activities and bounce back slowly to your mission.

My friend, life isn’t easy but it’s a wonderful journey. Everything will be fine in the end if we constantly work towards our dreams. Have some beautiful people around who support you in your journey and just continue moving, one step at a time! And yes, remember that if you are breathing then you are still needed on the planet. There is something which you need to give to the world.

Your friend for life,

Letter Podcast ( Listen here in my voice) –

Copyright @Jogi ( content and images )

P.S – Do you know about my dreamers’ poem ? Here is a wonderful poem which I recited for every dreamer in the world – Please listen, share and subscribe.

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