Hey there!

वीर भोग्या वसुंधरा !

I got to know about this quote for the first time a couple of years ago from Uncle Garg. He is 75 years old and living life to the fullest in the mountains.

A question sometimes surfaces – What’s the need to live when we have to die eventually? Mentioning two life events which are not in our control – our birth and our death. We came with nothing and we will go with nothing. Whatever happens in between is life. And it completely depends on us what kind of life we want to lead.

Now there are two ways to go through this journey called life, one is to live the way life carries us and another is to make your own path while getting the best from life. And to get the best from life we have to be brave, and there comes the phrase – वीर भोग्या वसुंधरा there are many meanings to derive from this. I am going with the literal meaning only which is – The brave enjoy the pleasures of earth.

We have to live courageously to face life and challenges while understanding that everything here is temporary (अनित्य). We all are part of a big cosmos. All moments of grief and happiness are meant to be passed but we have to go through these moments. The best way is always to pass thoroughly. The learning should be to reach a state of equanimity while we continue our journey breath by breath.

Also, how about living life considering it as a big celebration from birth to death? Whatever comes which is beyond our control, let’s welcome it with open arms while being veer (brave)  to get the best out of life.  As we pass through planet earth, let’s make it a better place to live for all. Please make a difference through your existence in any possible way. If we can even touch and make one life better then I am sure we can call our life a successful one.

So from this moment onwards, let’s start living with a new mindset to live life fully while making a difference to leave a legacy.

Wishing you a life of courage!


Copyright @Jogi