Hey there!

At this stage of your life, I hope that you are following your dreams. You might also be on the path to define and get the clarity of your life. Whatever stage of life you are at, I want you to be happy with yourself.

Everybody wants to be successful. Success – a term which might have different meaning for each one of us. Isn’t it? How about you define success for you today – define and quantify it – Is it millions and billions of money? If money then how much? Is it having a peaceful sleep at night? Is it waking up happily every morning and looking forward to a meaningful day? Is it leaving a mark in the world by making a difference in your own unique way? Or is it simply living every day with the best possible?

What does success look like to you? Please define it and start your journey in that direction. I recently read – If any of your works doesn’t enrich you then it’s a waste of time. The goal is to make your inner self rich and not merely completing a task. Similarly a life in pursuit of a bigger dream which enriches your core self can be a life worth living.

And please remember that you should enjoy this journey. Once you set on your own path, the journey itself is the destination.

I wish that you live life to the fullest in every passing day.

Your friend,

Copyright @Jogi

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Well written, worth reading.

