Hey there!
It’s letter 10 and we have come a long way together, day by day and week by week. I remember that a few people mentioned to me that they also want to write such letters. Many committed but only two started and then after writing a couple of times, they also gave up.
I feel that we do the same to most of our dreams in life. Either we don’t start or if we start then we give up too soon. Lots of plans happen in the head but for how many plans and dreams, do we actually act? And if we act then why do we give up soon?
Let me remind you that anything worth having in life never comes easy. We have to persevere until we make it a reality. Whenever you feel like giving up sometimes, think about why you started in the first place? We have to bridge the gap between the dreams and ourselves through learning and working on it on a day to day basis. Making our days better has the secret of making it big someday.
I wish that you achieve all of your dreams while transforming your days by taking baby steps towards your dreams.
Hope that you be on an unstoppable path to your best self and never look back.
Wishing you infinite courage!
Copyright @Jogi