Hey there!
Rumi reminds us – You are not a drop in the ocean; you are the entire ocean in a drop.
Life is such a wonderful phenomenon to experience. Everyone of us is a universe in its own existence. They say that human beings are social animals. We as a human race are dependent on each other. We all are also on our own paths to enlightenment or anything which we want to pursue as individuals.
Karma – you must have come across this one word for sure. In Hinduism and Buddhism, this one word carries the power to affect the future. In literal terms, it’s the force produced by a person’s actions in life that influences what happens to them in the future. Knowingly or unknowingly, our every action will bear some fruits for sure.
We all are nothing but energy in motion. We are not here to just come, play around and go. Such a small life and so much to do!
How about we focus our every action for the benefit of every being on the planet? How about focusing energies for a higher purpose wherein one thinks – how can I make the world a better place to live in? How about we all social beings start thinking and acting in this direction of a better world while taking care of every species on earth? The world would be a magical place for sure.
Today I want to remind you to take care of your every action. Every action is a seed which will bear fruits for sure some day in some way which can be for your good or for some learnings. Fill your cup first and then pour the nectar in other’s cup as well.
I wish that you make the world a better place as you walk through it one step at a time.
Wishing you a life with happiness, contentment and peace.
Copyright @Jogi