My dear friend,

“The right people in your life will help you uncap your potential, like sunlight nourishing a flower to bloom.”

I am reading a book named, Who not How by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy. And this book is changing my perception about many things. Whenever we have a dream, what do we do? We aspire to achieve it and once we get a thought to achieve it – the next thought is HOW! How to achieve it, isn’t it?

Now in this book, the philosophy is to shift your perspective to WHO rather than HOW. Let me explain it more. So whatever you want to achieve – is there anyone who can support you in achieving that OR is there anyone who can do it for you? For example, Dan Sullivan wanted to write this book but didn’t want to devote his time to it. So he found author Dr. Benjamin Hardy to do this work which changed all the game.

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Another example, we all know about Michael Jordan who is one of the greatest basketball players of all time. There were two very important WHOs for Michael Jordan – First one was Phil Jackson, who is known for his unconventional coaching methods and his deep understanding of team dynamics and elevated the performance of the entire team including Michael Jordan. The second person who is less known is Tim Grover, who was Michael’s personal strength and conditioning coach for almost his entire career.

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So please understand, you definitely need to be great at doing what you do but for you to be exceptional and extraordinary, you need people around you who can shape you to be a diamond. The WHO can be in any form of a friend, well-wisher, a teacher or a mentor. Let’s see it this way, if your goal is to achieve your best health – is there anyone who can support you to achieve it? You can definitely find someone who knows better than you and can support you in your best health journey. Isn’t it?

So the learning of the week – before learning the how, try to find WHOs for you. And it’s applied in all areas of life. This small shift in perspective can bring the biggest change in your life.

My friend, I wish you a life of your best WHOs around you in the form of your team, your friends & family and people who can push you to your next level.

And as always, If I can be of any support, I am here for you.

Your friend for life,

Copyright @Jogi ( content and images )

P.S – Do you know about my dreamers’ poem ? Here is a wonderful poem which I recited for every dreamer in the world – Please listen, share and subscribe.

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